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2023年度主題:信仰生活化, 生活信仰化

2023 Annual Topic: Faith in Our Daily Life


2023 Annual Scripture: Philippians 4:6-8


東洛杉磯中華浸信會創立於一九八六年四月十三日,信徒大多居於柯文納市 (Covina) 及其鄰近地區之華人家庭。以基督的愛心真誠團契敬拜真神,傳揚福音領人歸向基督,教導聖經真理為本教會之基本宗旨


本教會的功能為敬拜三一真神,教導聖經真理,造就信徒靈命成熟,裝備信徒走進5 miles社區,廣傳福音,領人歸向基督,進而向海內外差傳,完成主的大使命。


5 miles周邊十二個城市,建立一間有真光、真理、真愛的教會,為社區、家庭及職場帶來醫治與盼望。

Brief Intro to CFSBC

Covina First Southern Baptist Church (CFSBC) was founded on April 13th 1986. Most of our members live in the city of Covina. Under the love of Christ we worship the true God and preach the Gospel to lead people to Christ. Our church is founded on the principle of teaching Bible-based truth.

Mission Statement

The function of the church is to worship the Trinity; to teach the truth of the Bible; to nurture the believer's spiritual life to maturity; to prepare going into communities within 5 miles of the church, leading people to the Lord Jesus Christ by spreading the gospel; and to support missions near and far to fulfill the Great Commission.

Church Vision

Build a church of Truth, Light and Love to bring Healing and Hope for the commnities, families and workplaces in the surrounding 12 cities within 5 miles of the church.


1. 在十二個城市建立1-3個禱告站

2. 人人願意做教會守望禱告的精兵

3. 人人願意委身教會作主的門徒

4. 人人願意傳福音領1-3位來教會



Who Are We?

We are a diverse group of believers from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. We each have different professions, but we all believe in the One God and Trinity.

2023 Annual Goals

1. Build 1-3 Prayer Stands in 12 cities

2. Be Prayer Warriors for the church

3. Commit to church as True disciples of God

4. Evanglize and each lead 1-3 people to church